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Death Becomes
The Ghost $19.95
The Battle of
The Java Sea $19.95
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"Ghost" $19.95
"Java Sea" $19.95
"Ghost + Java" $34.95
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or Both Death Becomes
The Ghost and The Battle of
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The Glory (part 1)
For three months into the Pacific War, the American Asiatic Fleet fought with
Allied Navies to hold the Japanese expansion to the South. In the climactic
Battle of The Java Sea, the Allies ( Dutch, British, Australian and American)
sacrificed their remaining battle fleets in desperation. HMAS Perth and
USS Houston survived this battle only to be lost in a suicidal attack on a fresh
Japanese Fleet in Sunda Strait two days later. It was a glorious but horrific
death for two great ships and the end of the US Asiatic Fleet.
2) of DEATH BECOMES THE GHOST (included on same tape with part 1. Total Running
time is 110 minutes.
The carnage of battle ended and the carnage of inhuman slavery and deprivation
began for those who were fortunate enough to survive and become guests
of the Japanese Army. In one of the most shameful episodes of the World War,
the survivors of the Houston, the Perth and other Allied commands that fell
into the hands of the Japanese, became slave labor. The deprivation, beatings,
murder, disease and exhaustive slavery took 22,000 American lives. It is a SHAMEFUL episode that must be told.
The few who
survived the ferocious Battle of Sunda Strait are captured. Volume
II follows the hellish existence of these sailors and others who
joined them (the 131st Field Artillery, Texas National Guard, "The
Lost Battalion" for instance). The volume ends with the repatriation
of the survivors and their return home to a victorious nation, their
part in the victory having been long forgotten as the war continued
nearly four years after their own ship was lost.
Kwai River Bridge after Allied Bombing Raids destroyed it. The Kwai Bridge
was not like the movie bridge, tho others on the rail line were similar POWs on
the rail were under constant bombing attack by Allied Bombers. They never complained
about the bombs. It was just one of the many other hazards of being a guest of
the Japanese Army.
Art DuHaime describes the
noise of the battle as very loud, especially from the Japanese Guns as USS Houston
depleted her ammunition or lost her own guns to battle damage. Art and other
veterans of the battles and POW camps give you a glimpse of the history they
made. Art Passed Away this year, (2002)

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The producers of "Death
Becomes The Ghost" went to sea to interview some of the survivors aboard
the USS Rentz (FFG-46).The USS Rentz (as described by some of the young and
salty sailors aboard ) was named after "some dead guy". (This is an inside joke
among many tin-can sailors because all tin cans are named after dead men) The
ship, in fact, carries the name of Chaplain Rentz (Capt., USN), who gave up
his life jacket to save a young sailor after their ship plunged to the bottom
weighted by tons of Japanese shells and torpedoes.
Death Becomes The Ghost
received excellent reviews in both SEA CLASSICS and WWII Magazine. They are
not Hollywood style. They are documentary style with liberal use of personal
interviews with the survivors. They are extraordinary movies. The move is available
for $19.95. When purchased at the same time with the Dutch Movie "The
Battle of The Java Sea" (1996, award winning film) the package price
is $34.95. Shipping is $5.
More about BOTH VIDEOS, Death Becomes the Ghost and
The Battle of The Java Sea ... HERE
For Some Hollywood movies
that touch on the topics here, you will want to view our LIBRARY listings.
Click HERE. ("Bridge on The River
Kwai", "Sand Pebbles", "The Story of Doctor Wassel",
"The True Story of The Bridge on The River Kwai", "They Were
Expendable" , "To End All Wars" and more.) An excellent resource for all the war films
ever made and documentaries of all types is Belle and Blade Video. You might
consider looking at their magnificent collection on the web at http://www.belleandblade.com.
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